Monday, February 25, 2008

Building Profile: Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies

"Is it possible to design buildings so well and so carefully that they do not cast a long ecological shadow over the future that our students will inherit?  We now know that such things are possible - that buildings can be designed to give more than they take."  
- David W. Orr

This is the design philosophy behind the Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies at Oberlin College in Ohio.  They have optimized the building performance through a variety of design strategies, and they continue to test, and adjust the environmental systems, to ensure the highest performance standards possible.

Check out the many design strategies used at their interactive website!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Welcome to the new Notre Dame Green Architecture Blog!

We will be updating this site with interesting links, articles, and resources about green architecture. Check back soon to see whats going on!